Posture & Back Pain

"As a footballer I've had many therapists for my injuries but my Physit therapist is by far the best massage therapist I've ever had. Highly knowledgeable, cares about her patients recovery and has so..." Research has shown that one in five of us are diagnosed with work-related health issues borne out of poorly designed office furniture. These issues can range from headaches, stress and musculoskeletal problems affecting the back, neck and shoulders. The pain and psychological distress experienced often leads to periods of absences from work and reduced productivity, impacting on both the employee and the employer. For example we see clients who have no pain yet their postural imbalances are putting strain on certain joints and wearing them out faster than the body’s rate of repair. Left unchecked this would eventually lead to issues and further injuries.

Repetitive Strain Injury RSI

I can't say enough great things about her and her professionalism. After suffering a trapped nerve and extremely painful scapula for nearly 8 weeks all the NHS would offer me was strong drugs, I was at my wit's end. I saw Candice, she gave me a comprehensive medical diagnosis as to what was causing the problem and has offered to refer me back into the NHS should a set schedule of regular treatments not rectify the problem.

Our Clinics:

In order to secure your booking, payment must be received by the office before your application will be processed. The cost of this one-day practical course is £180 including VAT. These workshops are a must for all industry professionals that are interested in treating postural deterioration. Clothing worn is dependent on which clinic you are attending. You will be sent a letter detailing what clothing to wear along with all other details prior to any appointment at the clinic.

FREE Posture Assessmentt

A fully qualified and experienced chiropractor will be onsite to oversee the programme and, depending on requirements, a professional sports massage and rehabilitation therapist. Had a very annoying fat pad impingement in my knee treated here. Mani was a wonderful physio, very considerate and attentive. He devised a step-by-step strengthening and treatment programme, which we implemented over few sessions stretched out over several weeks . In-between the sessions, I was assigned individual training programmes with clear instruction videos for home, which were very professional and useful. COVID-19 measures were also well implemented at the facilities.

A healthy posture when working is crucial for long-term back health. There will be many subtle barriers to you adopting an upright posture, psychologically encouraging a slouch. An expert ergonomist will be able to instantly recognise these and rearrange screens, keyboard, mouse and chair set-up so that you are effortlessly able to remember to sit correctly and undo years of bad-posture habits.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you want to book an appointment or require further information about any of our services and how we maybe able to help you. "Physit was recommended to me by the physiotherapists treating me at the Clavadel, a convalescent home near Guildford. I was treated there following a fractured femur. "Booked an emergency appointment - they were lovely and understanding squeezing me in Postural Assessment in London on the same day I called. The therapist arrived and set up at my work, which was super convenient for me. She work..." Postural changes commonly cause increased loading to joints and muscles resulting in restriction of movement, increased muscle tightness and sometimes pain. They are removable devices, often made from plastic, that are designed to fit inside a shoe to provide additional support for your feet.

Often the type of work you do, the way you stand, sit or perform repetitive tasks will contribute to postural adaptations. Whilst you may not be experiencing restriction, tightness or pain at this moment, such postural changes may predispose you to these issues in the future. After the sessions, you will notice how the head sits in a much more comfortable position putting less strain on the back of the neck. The ribcage is more relaxed and softened and the thoracic curve less prominent.

They also have a good variety of specialists for different ailments and issues. These folk have been looking after me very well since 2007 through various sports injuries. They offer a comprehensive team of truly excellent specialists.Yet they are still small enough to be personal have a clear sense of who each client/patient is.
